Convert Views
The query converter takes the SQL to create the view and converts it to the equivalent MQL. The query converter considers the mapping rules and schema transformations defined in your project when converting your SQL code. For details on the conversion process, see convert view examples.
About this Task
The query converter uses AI technology which may not be able to convert long or complex queries, triggers, packages, or stored procedures. Some queries may not be converted correctly while others may not be converted at all. For more information, see AI and Data Usage Information.
The query converter uses the relational schema, the MongoDB schema, and the mapping rules in your current project to determine how the queries should be converted. Conversions may fail or be incorrect if the queries reference tables that are not in your relational schema or if they are not mapped to MongoDB collections.
Converted queries, triggers, views, packages, and stored procedures are saved in your project and persist through project import and exports.
SQL queries are limited to 40,000 text characters.
You can view the history of previous conversions in the left-hand Query Converter pane. Each conversion has an icon indicating the result of the conversion. If an object does not have an icon next to it, a conversion has not been attempted yet:
The conversion is now being executed.
Green check mark
The conversion was successful.
Red exclamation mark
The conversion failed on last attempt.
Before you Begin
Always review and test the code generated by query converter before deploying it in a production environment.
Connect to your relational database
Specify the connection details to your source database.
For details, see your database-specific connection page in Connect to Databases.
Click Connect.
Convert and test code
Click a view's name from the left-hand pane under Views.
The SQL code is displayed in the Imported View pane.
Click the Convert button. Wait for the query converter to convert your code.
The converted MongoDB code is displayed in the Converted MongoDB Query pane.
If the query converter has errors, you can view the details in the Converted MongoDB Query pane.
Click the icon to copy the MongoDB code to your clipboard.
Test and validate the generated MongoDB code.
You can use the Filter text box to filter queries, stored procedures, triggers, packages, and views based on object name and SQL syntax.
The examples below show PostgreSQL views from the example Northwind database converted to MongoDB code.
If you want to create a MongoDB view from the query:
Copy the aggregation pipeline syntax from the aggregate command.
Use the aggregation pipeline syntax with the createView shell command.
The following example shows an inner join view converted to MongoDB:
SQL Syntax | MongoDB Syntax | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The shell command to create this view in MongoDB is:
db.createView("VW_OrderDetails", "orders", [ { $lookup: { from: "orderDetails", localField: "orderId", foreignField: "orderId", as: "orderDetails" }, }, { $unwind: "$orderDetails", }, { $project: { orderId: 1, customerId: 1, orderDate: 1, unitPrice: "$orderDetails.unitPrice", discount: "$" } } ] )
The following example shows an aggregated group by view converted to MongoDB:
SQL Syntax | MongoDB Syntax | |||||||||||||||||||||||
The shell command to create this view in MongoDB is:
db.createView("VW_Customers", "customers", [ { $group: { _id: "$postal_code", customercount: { $sum: 1 } } }, { $sort: { customercount: -1 } } ] )